Olympia Baylou
Mar 16, 2019
Connect | Get Connected!
There were times in my twenties when I would become very withdrawn from social activities. I felt like being alone at home was the best...

Olympia Baylou
Mar 9, 2019
​​​​​​​Public Speaking | Don't Sweat It!
What it is about public speaking that makes most people develop speech anxiety? Why do speakers experience shaking hands, butterflies in...

Olympia Baylou
Mar 2, 2019
Necktie | Are You All Tied Up?
I remember learning, by my own curiosity, how to properly tie a necktie when I was 8 years old. My curiosity started with why men wore...

Olympia Baylou
Feb 23, 2019
Stuff | Get Rid Of That Stuff!
Growing up I used scratch my head wondering why my mother had piles of stuff throughout the house. She amassed piles of newspapers, in...

Olympia Baylou
Feb 16, 2019
Interview | TownTalk TampaBay Interview
TownTalk TampaBay is a weekly talk show highlighting the energy, issues, and happenings of communities of color. Hosted by Sharon...

Olympia Baylou
Feb 9, 2019
Driver | You Are The Driver!
A friend and I were recently sharing how our lives are so busy and fast paced, so much so, we compared ourselves to race car drivers. The...

Olympia Baylou
Jan 19, 2019
Change | Can You Spare Some Change?
In the last 2 years, I have spoken with a significant number of entrepreneurs. One characteristic I have observed to be very common among...

Olympia Baylou
Jan 12, 2019
Gold | Solid Gold Or Gold Plated?
I remember, just like it was yesterday, going to the mall to shop for my first gold chain. I was a teenager in the eighties, and the...

Olympia Baylou
Jan 5, 2019
Smoking | Smoking Is For Turkeys!
There are no words to describe how much I truly enjoy smoked meats. The process, of smoking meats, adds flavors that cannot be duplicated...

Olympia Baylou
Dec 29, 2018
Happy | Will You Be Happy In The New Year?
As 2018 comes to an end, I have already started filling my calendar and making plans for 2019. I won't be attending any parties to...