Munky | I Smell Munky!

Updated: Jul 26, 2020

I’m sure you know what a monkey is. And I am equally sure you do not know what munky is! Munky is a portmanteau I created using the words musty and funky. I use the word munky to describe smells that are unusually pungent and abnormally stifling, which most definitely applies to the odor my underarms produced when I worked out this week.

Did you know we actually have two different types of sweat glands? The eccrine glands excrete the sweat we use to cool down, which is mostly water, and the apocrine glands release sweat when we're stressed or upset. Many factors can contribute to the munky or change in smell of your sweat, from stress to eating certain foods and drinking booze, and other factors like hormonal changes, diabetes, or liver or kidney problems.

A sudden change in the way your body smells could be a sign of something more serious, and good reason to schedule a doctor's appointment.

Share your thoughts on body smells.
